in ICI Journals Master List kategoria (EN)
Journals that are indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database, i.e. journals that have ICV (Index Copernicus Value) index may use Index Copernicus Logotype after signing a license agreement. Editorial Office may use the logotype both in the print and digital editions. Inserting the logotype in a journal indicates that the journal is currently indexed on the international list of scientific journals, namely ICI Journals Master List. It helps to build the journal brand, enhance journal prestige and support its promotion.
Order for Index Copernicus Logotype may be placed:
• via the system – after logging into the journal Representative account select “Additional services” tab, then “Logotype”, select “Order” button and fill in the form with invoice data,
• via e-mail – contact evaluation@indexcopernicus.com
The cost of annual license for using Index Copernicus Logotype for a single scientific journal is 250 EUR net.